Made It!


One week ago today I walked across the finish line of my 3,100 mile walk across America.
It was a surreal feeling as I walked across the Sundial Bridge while thinking about how I started at the Brooklyn Bridge 178 days before.
When I stepped off that bridge in NY I was truly stepping into the unknown.
I didn’t have a crew with me. I didn’t have a support vehicle, a hotel fund or even a route mapped out more than 100 miles.
A lot of people assume that when you do something like this you already have experience.
Prior to walking off that bridge I’d never been on an overnight backpacking trip.
I’d never walked more than 15 or 16 miles ( or any miles at all with my backpack and gear)
Yet despite all this I walked off that bridge with confidence as I envisioned walking across the finish line.
After a coupled months of walking I felt guided. As if I was being led with constant light and protection all around me.
I felt led with purpose, driven with passion, as if I walking into a new version of myself.
Just like a ritual or a right of passage, this walk became a holy pilgrimage for me.
For the next 7 days I’ll post lessons learned from my holy pilgrimage walk.
Theses lessons were spoken to me in a soft clear voice as I stood alone in the desolate backroads of America, and asked for me to share with you all.
I’ll post lesson 1 tomorrow so stay tune.
Walk on ~ Jeremy

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